Monday, July 24, 2017

Fork in the Road of Life

As we navigate our journey on the road of life, we sometimes come to a fork. The path we choose becomes a pivot that significantly shapes the rest of our life, and even our next journey, beyond life. As I was contemplating writing a post on this subject, I heard from a friend whose "Uncle Bob" passed away over the weekend; she was the one who held his hand and comforted him as his spirit left his body. She feels called to serve as people embrace death, something many people dread.

What makes us choose one path over the other? What would you do when faced with a "significant decision" that could potentially alter the course of your life? A few of such significant decisions are selecting the career to pursue, making a career change, whether to stay in your home town or move, whether to buy a house now or not, whether to get married to a certain person or not! In those moments we need to pause and reflect on the pros and cons of all the potential choices, and then make a conscious decision to choose the path that leads to a more courageous outcome.

When we take the road less traveled, it can also lead to rewards not many have found or partaken in, because they chose to follow precedent and convention instead of daring greatly. Taking the road less traveled, when faced with a fork in the road, can mean the difference between distinction and mediocrity. What spells stability for one may mean boredom for another. Choosing a path that resonates with your soul is more important than staying trapped in the fear of making the wrong choice. Any decision that you learn and grow from, is a significant milestone in the journey of life, so long as you continue to evolve, no step is wasted.