It is after a while that I am returning to contribute to this blog, and what a major life transformation has occurred in this time frame. I would be dishonest if I did not acknowledge that the previous posts were directed outward, whereas the flavor of this post is more introspective. I have learned quite a few life lessons in the past few years and would like to share some of them here.
Life is a culmination of experiences and the choices we make, no step of that journey is wasted, although, upon reflection, we learn some valuable lessons on how we could have handled certain situations better than we did. Talk about coming full circle to the point where we started:
"We must not cease from exploration. And the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we began and to know the place for the first time". ~ T.S. Eliot
I can honestly say that I have arrived where I began and am seeing the place for the first time! Often we have to look at life with new lenses to see the things we had been unable to see because familiarity obscured them from our view. Over the years we make compromises, and they lead us on paths we would not have followed had we stayed true to our values and principles. It is like being woken from a slumber, a lulling of the consciousness in the interest of keeping peace, in the name of expediency, then coming to the realization that you don't even know that person any more.
'Twas grief enough to think mankind
All hollow servile insincere
But worse to trust to my own mind
And find the same corruption there
~ Emily Bronte
So, where do we start, and where do we end: this journey is a function of our conscious resolve to lead life from our core values, to experience the journey with new, mindful eyes, an open spirit and aware soul. Life is beautiful, once we learn to appreciate the bountiful gifts that are ours to claim if we allow ourselves to BE one with God rather that be constrained by the demands and expectations of the lesser beings. The journey to soulful spirituality is an exhilarating experience!